Curriculum - Online national guide and tour guide training
Online national guide and tour leader education with local / regional extension.
Credits: 30 - National online guide and tour guide training, 15 - local / regional extension
Assessment: The course is divided into six blocks, each with its own exam. The examination forms that have been used, the project tasks and multiple choice; letter grade.
Prerequisites: None.
Teaching period: Net-based national guide and tour leader training is held every year beginning in February / March and ending in November / December. Teaching is therefore, over two semesters. The optional local / regional supplementary course runs over one semester.
Teaching: Teaching for a national guide and tour leader training takes place on-line, and tasks are posted an on-line program "It's learning." During the year, you will have received instruction in the following disciplines: aesthetic history (architecture, music, visual arts and literature), Cultural, Tourism Learning, Tourism Geography, History and social knowledge, personal performance and service and communication studies. Each group is shown to their period in which the teacher will be available online to answer questions and correct / comment on tasks.
Each of the six blocks of subjects called will have about one-month teaching time - including exam.
It is desirable to arrange a collection of participants at the beginning of the course. (The implementation of such a collection is dependent on the number of participants is high enough.) Students will receive training so they can get the full effect of this online program. A demonstration tour is also on the program for this collection.
Teaching methods: Most of the curriculum is built on the Internet, and students will be assigned responsibilities related to the various chapters. These tasks, which are the "It's learning," is added to help students to check their knowledge along the way.
Purpose: The National Online guide and travel management training. The purpose of this course is to train students to become certified guides, tour leaders and guides. This is a pioneering project, and to collect the necessary, basic education for guides, tour leaders and guides under the college system and can thus offer credits, which provides extra bonus for the students. Upon successful completion of courses will be a national guide and tour leader certificate.
Local / geographical supplementary course. It is also intended to provide the graduate students add-on courses in the topical guide training - through selected, customized regional courses - under the supervision of the School of Hotel Management. These additional courses will be arranged by the course organizers in the regions - e.g. Guide's unions - and will count as 15 credits. School of Hotel Management will ensure that the curriculum is satisfactory in content and scope, and these regional courses will be quality assessed by the students to deliver a project, which is made by the School of Hotel, which is directed by the same institution. A responsible lecturer at the School of Hotel will also provide guidance in connection with this project. In addition, these courses, students had to take the oral test in guiding and providing proof of their language skills.
The approved examination in both the national and regional guide and tour leader-training the candidate will be awarded a certificate with the region X as specialist fields.
It may here be mentioned that students who have already taken the regional course, have to write the research paper prepared by the School of Hotel, to be rewarded with 15 credits for this course.
Contents: block of subjects called provides theoretical background and professional confidence to anyone who wants to work as a guide, tour guide and guided tour. You get a comprehensive introduction to tourism geography, history and society, and through the subject Tourism Learning, organizational pattern understanding of the industry. Moreover, a thorough review of four keys humanizing genres provide the basis for assessing what needs to be included as the humanizing content in a guided tour smooth handling of tourists is central to the subjects personal performance and service in Cultural Understanding, and a review of the preparation and implementation of a guided tour will be covered in communication studies. Everything will have a general character which may be amplified in the geographical course. However, it must be stressed that it is not necessary to take a regional supplement course to become certified as a national guide and tour leader.
Syllabus: The majority of the curriculum is built on the Internet, which is opened for students when tuition and course fees are paid. A compendium of Cultural Understanding, a book of personal performance and service, a book and a video in history and two books in Communication studies are supplementary curriculum.