What is online education and where is it?
Modern institutions of higher education around the world adopt online education programs and courses organized and delivered both on campus and in the context of distance education services. These efforts contain obvious opportunities and challenges for universities. Issues of relevance, feasibility and viability determine the way in adopting new technology, which requires decisions and prudent and informed approach.
Following the same trends in institutions of its kind throughout the country and elsewhere, is seriously considering to use online education would be appropriate for many programs and courses.
Online education is done through the computer, and the Internet is the main mode of communication. It is therefore, a form of education that provides courses and offers educational activities or partially or entirely through the Internet. In this regard, online education depends on three main grounds on the Internet: first electronic mail (email) that puts the learner in relation to the teacher and other participants in the program, and second, the scoreboard or discussion forum providing a comprehensive discussion with the group, and thirdly, the course provides the Internet conferencing in real time, that is to say, roughly synchronous interaction requiring the simultaneous participation of all stakeholders, including teachers.
Online education has its roots in distance education the latter is.
"An education system in which the learner is autonomous and separate from the teacher in space and time so that communication between them is done through print, electronic or other non-human."
Online Symposium
It covers
"All levels of the different forms of study that are not constantly under the direct supervision of teachers present their students in classrooms or in the same place, but which, nevertheless, a benefit from planning, advice and courses organized as tutorials.
Essentially, distance education is the antithesis of being in the classroom (face-to-face) where the teacher and students meet regularly for lectures, demonstrations and class discussions.
Traditionally, distance education is a teleconference audio / video in one or both directions, or in a self-directed study of the ways printed. Often it does not interact via multiple tables for discussion. The manifold interaction is a major feature of online education. Clearly, it introduces a new dimension in the whole area of distance education. "Internet technologies offer opportunities to improve the distance education through communication, interactivity and activities increased together." He thus summarizes the characteristics of online education, "space-time independence, communication between many people, learning and addiction combined with a text-based communication to promote meaningful learning and thinking."