In a so-called school, students are taking over responsibility for the administrative planning and practical implementation of a school week. Lillian Bill, Christine Waren, Renate Kristine Paulsen and Magnus Lucaz constituted the management group - and they have planned this special form of the practice since November.
Responsibility for all
- It's the last big exam before we are going out to work. We will take a swing at everything - from teaching and planning of this, the distribution of lessons on the various students to the organization of supervision in downtime, tell them.
- But we have gone through the procedures and had a fire drill, make them.
- They can be good teachers
- They are clever and cool and do fun things; Six replies graders have Easter's workshop in arts and crafts class, questions about what it is to have students as teachers.
In addition, the students believe that the students are nice and good to keep quiet in class (although perhaps not an Easter workshop is the easiest place to verify such statements).
- They can be good teachers; students turn in place.
- It's the profession we are looking forward to
- School takeover is something quite different than the usual practice, where we have a teacher training with us, where we only get to try us in the classroom. For how can one make actual practice? We'd love to have this form of vocational training also real life earlier in the program, says students in the administration group.
- Because it's the profession, we are looking forward to. It is varied and flexible; we can play around a lot and work with what we are interested in. Besides, it's nice to think that we can always further develop within the profession and become better at something that we like to do, turn the very satisfied school over the men said.