In a few words
European countries. Its main objective is to harmonize the education and qualifications for higher education.
Indeed, the decree defines higher education in the Community, promoting its integration into the European higher education and refinancing the universities was approved by the parliament of the Community March 31, 2004.
- Universities
- The High Schools
- The Colleges of Arts
- Higher Institutes of Architecture
- All types of education are clearly integrated: the same system will apply to all higher educations (universities, colleges, colleges of arts and architecture institutes).
- Some technical terms, such as grades, have been redefined or simplified, the term "license" will disappear completely. Now that we no longer speak of "master" for all second cycles at a university or higher education of type long.
- Partnership arrangements between universities and other institutions are regulated.
- The decree confirms the use of ECTS; the grade remains the reference and corresponds to 60 credits.
In the early years, the university offers basic training in the chosen discipline and a wide general systematic training. Subsequently, he deepened the process of scientific research and offers specialized content. It thus forms of senior and top researchers. The university is organized into three cycles. The undergraduate and graduate studies correspond to the base.
The undergraduate (first cycle transition) leads to the academic degree of bachelor. Their duration is at least three years (180 credits). It penalizes basic training usually required to address the second cycle.
The graduate school (second cycle professional) lead, they, the academic degrees of master (after one year (60 credits) or two years (120 credits) at least), doctor (four years (240 credits) at least) , veterinary medicine (three years (180 credits) at least). These studies include an education "expert" and that in general the presentation of a dissertation study.
The graduate school masters in 120 or more credits shall include at least a choice of 30 specific credits give this training one of the following purposes:
- The teaching focus includes specific teacher training under the decree of February 8, 2001 defining the initial training for qualified higher secondary education or decree of 17 May 1999 on the higher arts education. It is organized for academic degrees corresponding to the required qualifications for this occupation.
- Preparing the research focus for scientific research and includes both depth study in a particular discipline and general training in the research profession. This option is only provided for the fields of study referred to in Article 31 of the Decree.
- The specialization in a particular discipline within the field that relates the curriculum that targets specific professional or artistic skills.
Following an initial training of at least 300 credits sanctioned by the academic degree of master of graduate studies are offered in some sectors and lead, after a year of study (60 credits) least the academic degree of master complementary (TM). This training aims to acquire a specialist qualification of at least one of the following purposes:
- Authorize the exercise of certain professions, in accordance with the relevant statutory provisions in the health sector
- Meet the needs of specific training designed programs of development cooperation
- Provide access to specific titles and grades required by law or special expertise and recognized teams of research and teaching, which have a character of originality, uniqueness and specificity in the Community
- doctoral training (60 credits) leading to a certificate of training in research
- work on preparing a doctoral thesis (corresponding flat rate of at least 180 credits), which lead to the academic degree of doctor after defending the thesis
The High Schools
The High Schools offer a full-time taller education, short type and long type; they provide almost 75 000 students in the Community. The decree of 5 August 1995 setting out the general organization of higher education in High school's rank studies into eight categories: agricultural, applied arts, economics, paramedical, educational, social, technical, translation and interpreting.
The long-type higher education is at the university level. This education is organized in two cycles. He developed a scientific and technological training pointed. The first round, said transition comprises 180 ECTS credits that can be acquired within three years of study and leads to a minimum academic degree of bachelor. The second round consists of 60 or 120 ECTS credits that can be acquired respectively in one or two year (s) of study and leads at least the academic degree of Master (Level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework).
The graduate school of master 120 ECTS credits include a choice of at least 30 specific credits give this training one of the following purposes:
The teaching focus includes specific teacher training under the decree of February 8, 2001 defining the initial training for qualified taller secondary education or decree of 17 May 1999 on the higher arts education. It is organized for academic degrees corresponding to the required qualifications for this occupation.
The specialization in a particular discipline within the field that relates the curriculum that targets specific job skills.
The High Schools hold one or more purposes, possibly several different specializations.
The short type courses are organized in a single-cycle professional sanctioned by the academic degree of bachelor (level 6 of the European Qualifications Framework). They include to240 ECTS credits that can beacquired, respectively, inthree orexceptionally four years ofstudy (section midwife) atleast. This training isboth practical and theoretical.
Atthe end ofthis cycle, studies ofspecialization (60 credits) are offered incertain sectors, especially paramedic class, and lead, after a year, tothe degree ofspecialization (DS).
The Colleges ofArts
Asinthe High Schools, the education itprovided iseither oftype long orshort type.
Long typeThe long-type higher education isatthe university level. This education isorganized intwo cycles. Itdevelops anartistic pointed.
The first cycle ofsaid transition comprises credits, whichcan be acquired within threeyearsof studyat least, and leadsto the academic degree of bachelor (level six European Qualifications Framework).The graduate said professional includes 60 or120 credits, whichcan be acquired respectively in one or two yearsof studyat least, and leadscorrespondingly to the academic degree of Master (Level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework)
The graduate school of 120 master's credits included a choice of at least 30 specific credits give this training one of the following purposes:
- The teaching focus includes specific pedagogic education pursuant to the Decree of 17 May 1999 on the higher arts education. It is organized for academic degrees corresponding to the required qualifications for this occupation.
- preparing the research focus to scientific research. This training, organized in collaboration with one or more universities, including both depth study in a precise discipline and general training in the research profession the specialization in a particular discipline in the field that relates the curriculum that targets specific artistic skills.
- The Colleges of Arts organize one or more purposes, possibly several different specializations.
The short type courses are organized in a single cycle sanctioned by professional the academic degree of bachelor. They include 180 credits that can be acquired within three years of study at least.