Best Online Degree Programs

Masters Students

Internships for master's students

The training of students intending to careers in teaching is designed to allow a gradual discovery of the trade. Once the license, students will learn the elements of pre-vocational courses through discovery. As part of university training, internships and practical support observations and internships allow students responsibility to confront the work situations of their future profession.

Organizing training courses for master's students who intend to careers in teaching the organization of courses for students intending to careers in teaching. This applies to students already enrolled in master or a master's degree, preparing, in a higher-education institution, one of the competitive examinations for teacher, librarian or Senior Education.

As part of the preparation of competitive examinations, students can, through internships, learn about the different dimensions of the teaching profession, an archivist.

Job shadowing and practical support

They are intended for students enrolled in M1 or M2.
a master's students or masters students

Students are present in pairs in the class with a classroom teacher of the second degree, a master temporary accommodation or a master trainer of the first degree or are placed with a librarian or a senior advisor to Education holds.

These courses, grouped or yarns, are organized on a term of less than 40 days and within six weeks.

Periods of accompanied perform to give rise to one or more practiced concrete: preparation and conduct of a course or sequence of instruction, followed by a class project, preparation and conduct of an evaluation, supervision of class, preparing a class council or school council, operating aid from the center of documentation. Information and use of library resources, monitoring student absences and identifying students' dropouts " etc.....

Internship's responsibility

Internships are responsible for students enrolled in M2 or those who already hold a master, are enrolled in a preparation for a contest of a teacher, librarian.

These courses are primarily open to eligible candidates to those contests.

The student takes responsibility for a classroom, college or high school or has served as librarian or in an institution. These courses are for a maximum of six weeks.